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When Should I Increase My Life Insurance Coverage?

Understanding Motorhome Insurance in Louisville, KY

Driving a motorhome is a unique experience. You’re essentially steering a small home on wheels. Given this, the insurance requirements for a motorhome are more complex than those for a typical car and considerably more vital to understand. At Family Select Insurance in Louisville, KY, we’re here to help you navigate your insurance options and make the right choices.

A Class of Their Own

Motorhomes, often referred to as RVs, come in diverse types—Class A, B, and C. For instance, Class A motorhomes resemble buses and are the largest of the group. Class B motorhomes, also known as van conversions, are the smallest RVs, and Class C motorhomes fall somewhere in between, closer in appearance to trucks. Each class has unique insurance needs depending on its variations in size and construction.

Comprehensive RV Coverage

Comprehensive RV coverage is highly recommended to protect your motorhome from potential damages or losses. This insurance can cover theft, fire, or other damages from severe events like storms that could severely impact your RV.


This form of coverage is crucial in case your motorhome gets into an accident. Collision insurance can help you manage the costs of repairing or replacing your RV after an accident.

Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability

These forms of insurance can help cover costs if you cause an accident that results in injuries to others or damage to their property. This is especially important when you consider the size of most motorhomes and the potential damage they could cause.

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist

Unfortunately, not all motorists have ample insurance coverage. If you’re hit by someone who is uninsured or underinsured, this part of your coverage can help cover costs.

At Family Select Insurance in Louisville, KY, we can help you fully understand your motorhome insurance needs and ensure you’re adequately covered for a stress-free journey. Contact us today to learn more.

Four ways your family will benefit from your life insurance policy

Your family members will benefit in numerous ways if you purchase life insurance from OnQuote Insurance. We provide insurance coverage to Wisconsin consumers.

Here are four ways your family will benefit from your life insurance policy. 

Peace of mind

When you have life insurance, your family doesn’t have to worry about the future. You can prevent stress for both you and your family with life insurance. Enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your family is protected. 

Financial security

If something happens to you, your family will lose the financial support you provide if you don’t have life insurance. By carrying life insurance, your family will enjoy financial security regardless of what the future holds. 

Emergency funds

When you carry whole life insurance, your insurance policy can accumulate cash value over time and offer a source of emergency funds.

Typically, policyholders can borrow against the value of their whole life insurance policy. This conveniently makes it possible to have an emergency fund available for unexpected expenses your family faces. 

Funds for end-of-life expenses

It’s essential that you don’t underestimate how expensive it can be to pay for a funeral and burial. Without life insurance, your surviving family members will be left having to cover these expenses themselves.

Fortunately, life insurance policies typically include coverage for end-of-life expenses. This makes it so that it won’t cost your family members anything to make arrangements for your funeral after you pass away.

Call us today to purchase life insurance in Wisconsin. Contact us now at OnQuote Insurance, and we’ll provide you with a quote for a life insurance policy that can protect your family. 

Should I Tell My Beneficiary About My Life Insurance Policy?

It’s very satisfying to buy a life insurance policy, knowing that you’re taking care of your loved one. For many people, this happiness can be a catalyst for feelings of wanting to share the good news with their beneficiary. But there are pros and cons to disclosing this information. After you buy life insurance from OnQuote Insurance serving Wisconsin residents, consider whether or not you should tell your beneficiary.

Should I Tell My Beneficiary About My Life Insurance Policy?


The beneficiary will be glad to know they can count on you. This will be great news for anyone who currently relies on you for a part of their household income. If it’s a spouse, life partner, or dependent, they’ll be assured that they will be financially secure after you’re gone.


The knowledge that they will benefit puts the beneficiary in a certain situation. If, for any reason, the cause of your demise is in question, your beneficiary will be under scrutiny from authorities. Just knowing that they will benefit makes them suspect.


Your beneficiary can plan accordingly. It’s wise to have a financial plan in place, and knowing that some financial resources may be available in the future can help your beneficiary to plan accordingly.


Your beneficiary might be unhappy with the amount. How much life insurance you wish to purchase is your decision alone. But once you share this information, your beneficiary may take issue with the number. Potentially, this could cause a rift between the two of you.


You can entrust your documentation to your beneficiary. With the knowledge in hand, your beneficiary can take some responsibility for your wishes after your demise, which can give you some relief.

Consult With Us

If you have questions about your life insurance, or you’d like to purchase a new policy in Wisconsin, contact OnQuote Insurance today.

Momento mori: The importance of having life insurance

Momento Mori is a Latin phrase meaning "Remember your mortality". This phrase is a reminder to cherish life and what we have been given. Life insurance from OnQuote Insurance is an important part of planning for the future, as it allows us to protect our loved ones in case something happens to us here in Wisconsin or anywhere. 

The importance of having life insurance

Life insurance provides financial security and peace of mind in the event of an unforeseen death. It can help cover the costs associated with funerals, medical bills, last wishes, debt repayment, and more. Having life insurance can also provide a sense of security knowing that our family will be taken care of when we are gone. 

No one knows what will happen in the future; Momento Mori reminds us that life is fleeting and that we should cherish each day we have. With life insurance, we can ensure that our loved ones are taken care of if something were to happen to us unexpectedly. Life insurance gives us the freedom to live our lives without worrying about our families struggling financially if something were to happen to us prematurely. 

Momento Mori encourages us to live life fully and take advantage of every opportunity we have while we still have it. Having life insurance allows us to make plans for our futures without worrying about what might happen along the way. It’s an important step in securing a better future for ourselves and our loved ones.

Consult With Us

To find a life insurance policy that will protect your loved ones in case of your untimely demise, give us at OnQuote Insurance a call today. We are proud to serve Wisconsin and would be happy to help you find a policy to meet your needs and your budget.

Life Insurance: The Essential Items You Need to Know

Life insurance is a critical component of financial planning, providing security and peace of mind for you and your loved ones. Whether you’re new to life insurance or looking to update your existing policy, OnQuote Insurance is here to help you understand the essential aspects of life insurance in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Illinois.

Life Insurance: The Essentials

Types of life insurance:

There are two primary types of life insurance – term and permanent. Term life insurance provides coverage for a specified period, usually 10, 20, or 30 years. If the policyholder passes away during the term, the death benefit is paid out to the beneficiaries. Permanent life insurance, which includes whole and universal life, provides coverage for the policyholder’s entire life, as long as premiums are paid. Additionally, permanent life insurance policies can accumulate cash value over time.

Choosing the right policy:

The right life insurance policy depends on your individual needs, financial situation, and goals. OnQuote Insurance Wisconsin can help you evaluate your circumstances and guide you in selecting the best policy for you and your family.


It’s crucial to designate beneficiaries for your life insurance policy, as they will receive the death benefit in the event of your passing. Be sure to keep this information up to date, especially after significant life events, such as marriage or the birth of a child.

Coverage amount:

Determining the appropriate coverage amount can be complex, but it’s essential to ensure your loved ones are adequately protected. OnQuote Insurance can help you assess your financial obligations, including mortgage, debts, and future expenses, to determine the right coverage amount.

We Are Here To Help!

Understanding the essentials of life insurance is vital to safeguarding your family’s future. OnQuote Insurance is dedicated to helping you navigate the process in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Illinois and find the right coverage. Call us for more information and take the first step towards securing your family’s financial well-being today.

Life insurance FAQs

Life insurance is something that almost everyone needs to have. If you have loads of money or no dependents, you may be the exception, but for most people, taking care of their loved ones if they die means having life insurance. At OnQuote Insurance in Illinois, we can offer our customers the benefit of our experience and more choices when it comes to insurance products. 

When should I start buying life insurance?

That is a personal decision, but it will never be less expensive than it is when you are young and healthy. It is a good time to start thinking about your financial plan for life. A whole life policy is a way to save while you protect yourself. It earns dividends and has a cash value. 

Can my life insurance be canceled?

There are two reasons why your life insurance can be canceled. First, you lie on your application, and it is discovered. You need to answer questions honestly and just take the chance that your premium may be a little higher. The second is non-payment, which is the most common. If you are having financial difficulties, contact your carrier and try to work out a deal. It is worth trying. 

What is term life insurance?

Term life insurance is coverage that has a term, a number of years that it will be in effect. It does not earn dividends and at the end of the term, you may be able to continue it for a time, but not at the same rate. You need to consider that when you are choosing the term of your policy.

Can I have more than one beneficiary?

Yes, you can, the number you want is up to you. Just make sure that you make it clear whether they are all getting equal amounts or a percentage. 

Get Life Insurance Today

Contact OnQuote Insurance in Illinois when you need to discuss life insurance. 

How Illinois Residents Can Find Coverage For Their Modified Vehicles

OnQuote Insurance provides coverage to Illinois residents. We are an independent agency. We have a working relationship with several carriers throughout the Midwest. We help our clients find policies designed to meet their unique needs. We can help you find coverage to minimize risks and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.

How Illinois Residents Can Cover Their Modified Vehicles

Auto insurance helps Illinois drivers enjoy peace of mind while they are out on the road. Collision coverage protects you if your vehicle is damaged in an accident. You are also covered if you are held liable for any property damage or if someone gets hurt. You can inquire about a more comprehensive policy to cover your vehicle if it is stolen or damaged due to a natural disaster. Comprehensive coverage also covers your vehicle if you need emergency assistance.

If you are a car collector, you will likely customize your vehicle in some fashion. Your auto insurance may be impacted by your upgrades. Once you have changed the vehicle, you now have a modified car. Whether you choose to tint your windows or change the suspension, it is classified the same. Many standard auto insurance policies do not cover upgrades unless you amend your policy. If you upgraded your stereo system or installed a navigation system, you can add customized parts and equipment coverage to protect you if those items are damaged.

It may also be a good idea to have your vehicle appraised. That way, you will have a clear idea of your vehicle’s true value if something happens to it. If you plan to drive your custom vehicle less frequently, that could also lead to a change in your policy.

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