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Will homeowners insurance pay for renovations made to my home?

Homeowners’ insurance covers many different aspects of home ownership. From coverage for your home’s foundation to liability coverage for visitors who may get injured on your property, it’s wise to view homeowners insurance as a group of bundled coverages. Without this crucial insurance, excessive out-of-pocket expenses could overwhelm many homeowners during unexpected events and accidents. At OnQuote Insurance, we understand that many homeowners don’t fully comprehend all aspects of homeowners insurance. We commit ourselves to fostering understanding and helping Wisconsin homeowners obtain the coverage they need.

What does homeowners insurance cover?

Homeowners insurance typically covers your home’s foundation, the interior and exterior structure, plus all the structures on your property. Your personal belongings are also covered by your policy. Other situations, including vandalism, theft, some natural disasters, and liability, are typical parts of a homeowners’ insurance policy. Your policy also provides financial coverage for the cost of rebuilding or repairing your house and the other structures on your property. Liability coverage provides protection for anyone who’s injured on your property or damage you may cause to someone else’s property.

Will homeowners insurance pay for renovations made to my home?

Whether homeowners insurance will pay for home renovations is situational. If the renovations being made are upgrades you initiated for improvement, the answer is no. However, if a covered event that negatively alters or damages your home or its structures causes the need for renovations, your homeowners’ policy will typically pay for these. Please note that damage from termites, some natural disasters, neglect, and natural wear and tear from age, aren’t covered by your homeowners’ policy. If you have questions regarding homeowners insurance, we welcome your call. We’d be happy to answer them.

Choosing the Right Auto Insurance in Wisconsin with OnQuote Insurance

Getting auto insurance in Wisconsin is easy. Getting a policy explicitly built to your needs is a little more complicated. While you need to meet the state minimums, there’s more to consider.

At OnQuote Insurance, we can make sure you’ve thought of everything.

Exploring Types of Coverage

Did you know that there are many types of coverage that you can add to your auto insurance policy?

The state focuses on liability insurance – property damage and bodily injury. There are so many other levels of coverage you’ll want to consider. It will ensure you’re protected against more issues that could happen, whether you’re driving or not.

Such coverage options include:

  • Collision
  • Comprehensive
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist
  • Roadside assistance
  • Rental car

With so many options, you can have a policy that will give you more peace of mind.

Minimums Are Only a Suggestion

The minimum requirements in the state are only a starting point. They’re suggestions for what you absolutely need. However, you can go higher – and this is often a good idea so that you don’t get stuck paying a lot of money out of pocket if you have to file a claim.

For example, if you have had to file various comprehensive policies in the past because of hail, rogue shopping carts, or more, you may want to raise the amount in that area.

Additionally, if you are worried about the cost of your policy, you can change the deductible. If you’re a safe driver, you can pay a higher deductible to enjoy a lower monthly payment.

It’s always best to address your concerns with a licensed insurance agent. This way, you can receive solid advice to guide you toward a policy you can rely on.

Let us help you find the right auto insurance in Wisconsin. Call OnQuote today, and we’ll be with you every step of the way.

Four ways your family will benefit from your life insurance policy

Your family members will benefit in numerous ways if you purchase life insurance from OnQuote Insurance. We provide insurance coverage to Wisconsin consumers.

Here are four ways your family will benefit from your life insurance policy. 

Peace of mind

When you have life insurance, your family doesn’t have to worry about the future. You can prevent stress for both you and your family with life insurance. Enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your family is protected. 

Financial security

If something happens to you, your family will lose the financial support you provide if you don’t have life insurance. By carrying life insurance, your family will enjoy financial security regardless of what the future holds. 

Emergency funds

When you carry whole life insurance, your insurance policy can accumulate cash value over time and offer a source of emergency funds.

Typically, policyholders can borrow against the value of their whole life insurance policy. This conveniently makes it possible to have an emergency fund available for unexpected expenses your family faces. 

Funds for end-of-life expenses

It’s essential that you don’t underestimate how expensive it can be to pay for a funeral and burial. Without life insurance, your surviving family members will be left having to cover these expenses themselves.

Fortunately, life insurance policies typically include coverage for end-of-life expenses. This makes it so that it won’t cost your family members anything to make arrangements for your funeral after you pass away.

Call us today to purchase life insurance in Wisconsin. Contact us now at OnQuote Insurance, and we’ll provide you with a quote for a life insurance policy that can protect your family. 

Tailoring Commercial Insurance to Your Wisconsin Business Needs with OnQuote

Every business in Wisconsin is unique, operating in different industries and locales. Given this diversity, it’s crucial to understand the type of commercial insurance your business needs. Thankfully, you’re not alone. We at OnQuote Insurance are here to offer assistance.

Identifying Your Business’s Unique Traits

To fully protect your business, evaluating every aspect that makes your business unique is important. Here are some key questions to consider:

  • Where do you conduct business?
  • How often do you interact with clients?
  • Is a large amount of inventory involved?
  • What would happen if your business had to close suddenly for an extended period?

Once you’ve answered these questions, you can better examine your policy’s coverage options.

Understanding Different Types of Commercial Insurance

With myriad businesses come numerous types of policies. You can opt for property insurance to protect your business location and liability insurance to safeguard against injuries occurring on your property or by your employees elsewhere. You may also need business interruption coverage and commercial auto insurance. While it may seem overwhelming, an insurance agent can help simplify the process and recommend the proper coverage levels for your business.

Getting Guidance

Your Wisconsin business’s security depends on the proper coverage. Taking risks when there is an array of commercial insurance options to explore is unnecessary. When you’re ready to start tailoring a policy, we are here to help. Contact us at OnQuote Insurance to see how our insurance agents can assist you in forming a policy that fully covers your unique business needs.

How Smart Technology is Revolutionizing the Home Insurance Industry

The Intersection of Smart Technology and Home Insurance

The realm of home insurance thrives on staying current with evolving technological trends. The industry is continuously adjusting from fire or leak detectors to sophisticated security frameworks. As homeowner uptake of connected devices rises, let’s delve into how this progress ensures a reshaping of home insurance terrain. OnQuote Insurance is at the forefront of assisting Wisconsin homeowners navigate these changes.

Always-On Home Monitoring

The assurance of round-the-clock home monitoring is unmatched. Trailblazing home monitoring services offer an indispensable defense to inhabitants who frequently travel or live solo. Embedding motion sensors and video surveillance translate into preventive steps that shield your home from potential threats.

Accelerated Claims Processing

The merging of smart technology and insurance could result in swift claims processing. With real-time data, insurers can promptly evaluate damage and expedite policyholders’ claims processing. Traditional ways involving adjusters physically inspecting properties can be supplanted by remote monitoring. For instance, smart devices fitted with sensors can instantly alert both homeowners and insurers to fires or water leaks. Remote assessment sidesteps significant delays, thereby saving crucial time.

Consult OnQuote Insurance for an Estimate

At OnQuote Insurance, we prioritize serving our clients with the utmost integrity. For a home insurance estimate in Wisconsin, reach out to our ready team. We look forward to clarifying any concerns you might have about your future home insurance policy.

What Does High-Risk Insurance Cover?

OnQuote Insurance has years of experience working with a variety of different claim types and will strive to ensure that you’re satisfied in Wisconsin. For example, if you’re a high-risk driver, it’s critical to know what this label means and what kind of problems it can cover. 

What is High-Risk Insurance?

High-risk insurance is designed for people whom insurers think are more potentially dangerous than others. They’ve shown behavior or fall under specific headings that make insuring them a little trickier. It covers the same kind of things that other insurance policies do but has varying pricing models.

Things That Might Cause a High-Risk Status

Most drivers never get put on a high-risk insurance status, which is great if you’re trying to avoid unnecessary expenses. However, it may happen if you make one or more mistakes. These can greatly impact your insurance status and make you high risk. These include:

  • Having multiple accidents on your record (especially at fault)
  • Traffic violations, particularly DUI or DWI
  • Multiple claims for comprehensive repairs 
  • Little driving experience (such as when a teen)
  • Letting your insurance lapse
  • Lacking insurance on previous vehicles 

Note that your status as a high-risk driver is likely to last between 3-5 years, depending on multiple factors. You can get off the high-risk list as long as you consistently show excellent driving skills, avoid getting tickets or fines, and keep your policy up to date throughout the year.

We’re Here for You!

Getting help from OnQuote Insurance can help Wisconsin residents get the insurance they need for their vehicles. We’ll help you identify high-risk policies when you fall under this heading and work with you once you’re off to ensure you get the protection that you need for your vehicle.

Should I Tell My Beneficiary About My Life Insurance Policy?

It’s very satisfying to buy a life insurance policy, knowing that you’re taking care of your loved one. For many people, this happiness can be a catalyst for feelings of wanting to share the good news with their beneficiary. But there are pros and cons to disclosing this information. After you buy life insurance from OnQuote Insurance serving Wisconsin residents, consider whether or not you should tell your beneficiary.

Should I Tell My Beneficiary About My Life Insurance Policy?


The beneficiary will be glad to know they can count on you. This will be great news for anyone who currently relies on you for a part of their household income. If it’s a spouse, life partner, or dependent, they’ll be assured that they will be financially secure after you’re gone.


The knowledge that they will benefit puts the beneficiary in a certain situation. If, for any reason, the cause of your demise is in question, your beneficiary will be under scrutiny from authorities. Just knowing that they will benefit makes them suspect.


Your beneficiary can plan accordingly. It’s wise to have a financial plan in place, and knowing that some financial resources may be available in the future can help your beneficiary to plan accordingly.


Your beneficiary might be unhappy with the amount. How much life insurance you wish to purchase is your decision alone. But once you share this information, your beneficiary may take issue with the number. Potentially, this could cause a rift between the two of you.


You can entrust your documentation to your beneficiary. With the knowledge in hand, your beneficiary can take some responsibility for your wishes after your demise, which can give you some relief.

Consult With Us

If you have questions about your life insurance, or you’d like to purchase a new policy in Wisconsin, contact OnQuote Insurance today.

Lawn and Landscaping Industry: Higher Coverage for Higher Risks

The lawn and landscaping industry is a vibrant sector that transforms outdoor spaces, adding beauty to residential and commercial properties in and around Wisconsin. However, the work involves unique risks and challenges that demand comprehensive commercial insurance coverage. Higher coverage is not just a precaution for businesses in this industry—navigating the specific hazards associated with landscaping operations is necessary.

Understanding the Risks of Landscaping Operations

Landscaping businesses engage in a variety of activities that expose them to specific risks:

  • Property Damage: Using heavy equipment and tools poses the threat of accidental damage to the client’s property.
  • Injuries and Accidents: Employees working with machinery, tools, or chemicals face the potential for injuries, leading to workers’ compensation claims.
  • Liability Concerns: Public liability risks arise from accidents on job sites or potential damage to adjacent properties.

Commercial Auto Insurance for Fleet Operations

Landscaping businesses often operate a fleet of vehicles to expand their services, which calls for:

  • Commercial Auto Insurance: Provides coverage for vehicles used in business operations, protecting against damages and liabilities arising from accidents.
  • Equipment Insurance: Extends coverage to specialized landscaping equipment and machinery, ensuring they are adequately protected.

General Liability Coverage for Property and Bodily Injury

Landscaping businesses require:

  • General Liability Insurance: Protects against bodily injury or property damage claims during landscaping operations.
  • Product Liability Insurance: Addresses liabilities arising from using chemicals or products that may cause harm.

Specialized Coverage for Landscaping Services

Landscaping businesses can benefit from specialized coverage options:

  • Professional Liability Insurance: Protects against claims related to professional errors, design flaws, or advice provided.
  • Business Interruption Coverage: Addresses income loss if operations are interrupted due to covered damages.

OnQuote Insurance Can Help You

At OnQuote Insurance, we can help answer questions concerning commercial insurance. We serve the Wisconsin area. Contact us today. 

How Home Insurance Can Safeguard You Against Identity Theft

In Wisconsin and the rest of the country, Cyber criminals continue finding new methods to access personal information, posing a significant risk to individuals and their financial security. While identity theft protection services are available, homeowners may not be aware that their home insurance may have a role in safeguarding them against this threat.

Home Insurance and Identity Theft Coverage

Many homeowners’ insurance policies include identity theft coverage as an optional endorsement or a built-in feature. This coverage offers protection against the financial and legal consequences of identity theft. Here’s how it works: 

1. Identity Theft Expense Reimbursement: If you fall victim to identity theft, you may incur expenses related to restoring your identity. These expenses include legal fees, notary fees, and costs associated with obtaining credit reports. Home insurance policies with identity theft coverage may reimburse you for these expenses, relieving the financial burden of recovery.

2. Lost Wages: Dealing with identity theft often requires significant time and effort, which can result in lost wages. Some policies offer coverage for the income you may have lost while resolving the issue.

3. Fraudulent Charges: If an identity thief uses your financial information to make unauthorized charges, your home insurance policy may cover the cost of those fraudulent transactions.

4. Legal Assistance: Resolving identity theft can involve complex legal processes. Identity theft coverage can assist legal experts, helping you navigate the legal intricacies of identity theft.

5. Credit Monitoring and Alerts: Some home insurance policies include credit monitoring services and alerts, which can help you detect suspicious activities related to your credit and financial information, allowing for timely intervention.

OnQuote Insurance Can Help You

At OnQuote Insurance, we can help answer questions concerning home insurance. We serve the state of Wisconsin. Contact us today.

How Distracted Driving in Dairyland Can Affect Your Wisconsin Auto Insurance

Drivers can quickly become distracted by the natural beauty and scenery driving along picturesque Dairyland roads. Distracted driving can significantly impact your auto insurance rates when accidents occur. 

OnQuote Insurance in Wisconsin can help you protect your auto and finances when accidents happen. 

What is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving doesn’t always result in an accident. Any activity that diverts a driver’s attention away from the road and pays attention to road safety can be considered distracted driving. 

Texting while driving down the road, talking on the phone, or holding the phone with your ear while you’re behind the wheel are typical examples of distracted driving in Dairyland. Other examples of distracted driving include falling asleep at the wheel or watching your favorite television show on your smartphone while cruising down Wisconsin roads. 

According to reports, distracted driving in Wisconsin has led to numerous vehicle accidents, and understanding its impacts can help prevent accidents and reduce the effects on your auto insurance premiums. 

Distracted Driving Can Affect Your Insurance Premiums

Did you know that repeated instances of distracted driving on your record can affect your auto insurance premium? Insurance scoring models take your driving record into account when determining your premium. Drivers with records showing them frequently engaged in distracted driving events and automobile accidents are more likely to be labeled as "high-risk" drivers, which can lead to increased premiums. 

Avoid getting hit with Wisconsin state penalties and fines for distracted driving by paying closer attention when you’re behind the wheel. 

Have more questions about how distracted driving affects your auto insurance?

Talk to our licensed insurance agents at OnQuote Insurance. Learn how to avoid distracted driving penalties and your Wisconsin auto insurance coverage options, and get a quote today!